WEBVTT 1 00:00:14.092 --> 00:00:17.792 The key to success is jumping on opportunities early on... 2 00:00:18.362 --> 00:00:20.874 If you had bought Apple shares 10 years ago 3 00:00:20.874 --> 00:00:22.820 you could have made a lot of money 4 00:00:23.044 --> 00:00:25.292 If you had bought bitcoin 10 years ago 5 00:00:25.292 --> 00:00:26.775 you could have made a lot of money 6 00:00:27.042 --> 00:00:30.262 And so on and so forth the stories all go 7 00:00:30.724 --> 00:00:33.349 We are constantly confronted with opportunities 8 00:00:33.349 --> 00:00:34.856 wondering what to do 9 00:00:34.934 --> 00:00:36.804 How many did we miss already? 10 00:00:37.266 --> 00:00:39.249 The question you have to ask yourself is; 11 00:00:39.716 --> 00:00:41.858 do you want to keep being the one that says 12 00:00:42.021 --> 00:00:43.857 'if only I had bought...'? 13 00:00:44.100 --> 00:00:47.358 We've all seen many opportunities come and go 14 00:00:47.358 --> 00:00:51.022 and each of those made a lot of people a lot of money 15 00:00:51.260 --> 00:00:53.611 Many times we said to ourselves in hindsight 16 00:00:53.763 --> 00:00:55.429 'I could have done that'... 17 00:00:55.858 --> 00:00:59.204 Well, the good thing is the world never stops and so 18 00:00:59.204 --> 00:01:02.988 now something big is yet again about to happen... 19 00:01:03.269 --> 00:01:07.144 The legalization of Cannabis across North America... 20 00:01:07.741 --> 00:01:10.424 At first glance this might not sound like much 21 00:01:10.424 --> 00:01:15.718 but this is going to be the biggest and most profitable revolution in decades... 22 00:01:16.365 --> 00:01:17.547 Ask yourself this; 23 00:01:17.857 --> 00:01:19.927 knowing the legalization is happening 24 00:01:19.927 --> 00:01:24.680 combined with the popularity of cannabis among so many people worldwide: 25 00:01:24.954 --> 00:01:29.458 Isn't it safe to say cannabis companies will not only pop up all over the place 26 00:01:29.458 --> 00:01:33.519 but their value and market will skyrocket in the coming years?... 27 00:01:33.766 --> 00:01:36.688 Doesn't this sound like an incredible opportunity?... 28 00:01:37.089 --> 00:01:38.671 Now we know what you're thinking: 29 00:01:38.671 --> 00:01:41.105 this is only for the big investment companies 30 00:01:41.406 --> 00:01:43.979 But that's where you'd miss out on the opportunity; 31 00:01:43.979 --> 00:01:48.492 the investment business has long diversified between big as well as small-time 32 00:01:48.730 --> 00:01:50.948 even single home-based investors; 33 00:01:51.225 --> 00:01:53.695 These days you can purchase CFD's 34 00:01:53.695 --> 00:01:56.234 which means a 'Contract for Difference' 35 00:01:56.234 --> 00:01:58.309 from the comfort of your own home. 36 00:01:58.593 --> 00:02:02.705 These are agreements in which you predict the value of a share over a time-period. 37 00:02:02.954 --> 00:02:06.076 So let's say you predict Cannabis companies shares will grow; 38 00:02:06.366 --> 00:02:10.112 you would then purchase a Cannabis company CFD predicting 39 00:02:10.112 --> 00:02:13.033 the share's will go up within a certain timeframe. 40 00:02:13.139 --> 00:02:16.228 Now if they do, you will make a lot of money... 41 00:02:16.411 --> 00:02:21.306 This is why in many cases buying CFD’s are more profitable than shares 42 00:02:21.306 --> 00:02:24.931 as you can actually leverage the small amounts of money you invest 43 00:02:25.131 --> 00:02:28.360 allowing you to make a lot more money, much quicker 44 00:02:28.360 --> 00:02:30.814 as opposed to buying shares which are expensive 45 00:02:30.814 --> 00:02:33.652 limited and take a lot of time to grow. 46 00:02:34.177 --> 00:02:36.179 The world of investment has evolved 47 00:02:36.179 --> 00:02:38.639 and these new forms of online investment 48 00:02:38.639 --> 00:02:40.859 allow small-time investors to invest 49 00:02:40.859 --> 00:02:43.756 with pocket-change compared to the big boys 50 00:02:44.020 --> 00:02:46.894 Successful investors religiously read the news 51 00:02:46.894 --> 00:02:48.915 to keep an eye out for upcoming trends 52 00:02:48.915 --> 00:02:51.187 but only once every few decades 53 00:02:51.187 --> 00:02:53.365 does something this big come along 54 00:02:54.037 --> 00:02:56.373 This is the time for you to take a chance 55 00:02:56.373 --> 00:02:59.458 and especially since the investment amount is so low 56 00:02:59.458 --> 00:03:04.123 and the risk is minimal, yet the reward could change your life forever 57 00:03:04.123 --> 00:03:06.910 it’s a no-brainer to jump on this opportunity 58 00:03:07.626 --> 00:03:10.261 Don't be that person wondering what could have been 59 00:03:10.261 --> 00:03:12.802 embrace the opportunities as they come by 60 00:03:12.802 --> 00:03:15.747 and you too could live life to the fullest 61 00:03:15.912 --> 00:03:17.165 Register now 62 00:03:17.165 --> 00:03:20.921 and take your first step towards your new independent life